Kazbek - I will definitely return!
Written by Isabella Farber
On the first day of the trip, everything seemed unreal. The fact that we left, our backpacks, the car with a broken windshield and crazy views outside the window. Roads, fields, rivers, mountains ... passing through the villages I wanted to stay in each of them. The Annanuri fortress and the lake ... and the bright colors of a small tourist market, past which it is simply impossible to pass. 20 - 30 minutes and again on the road to Kazbegi. There, the first test - to push back on the backpacks (which did not seem easy at all) extra equipment.
Nepal is a country between heaven and earth
Written by Ìàêñèì Íîñêîâ
Feedback ontrekking to Everest Base Camp , Nepal, November2016 ã.
Nepal is a country between heaven and earth, a country of mighty eight thousandths pulling their peaks beyond the reach of mere mortals far to heaven, a land of eternal glaciers and unforgettable species, a country of dreamers and adventurers.
Nepal, the Himalayas ... I dreamed of going to this faraway land since my childhood, when at school I first heard about the 'roof of the world &rdquo ;. And the more I wanted, the farther they seemed to me. Such a dreamlike country “ Oz &rdquo ;: you know about it, you read about it, heard and saw in pictures, but will you get there, the question without answer ...
A couple of lines about the track to Everest
Written by Þðèé Øåëüìóê
The adventure called "track to Everest" is over. After the finish we already had a few days of rest, walks in Kathmandu, elephant riding and canoe in Chitwan Park, it was time to think and analyze everything. And since on arrival in Kiev in a whirlwind of turmoil, I most likely can not or will forget to write a couple of lines, then I will do it now on the road from Kathmandu to Dubai. I hope they will be useful to someone.
The tracks of Chornogory
Written by Oëåêñ³é Øðàìêî
And so, it's time to write your own review of the campaign byChornohora ridge 18.06.17-23.06.17
The world is very diverse now, everywhere the Internet, mobiles, tablets, and others, you can always include YouTube and admire the beauty, see photos of beautiful places in the search engine-everything is at our fingertips. But the soul requires solitude with the living, wild, true nature. , and simple human communication, to forget about all the problems, to forget about the connection with the outside world, though not for long (for the benefit of the lack of coverage in most of the Carpathians it allows :))
How I did not climb Kazbek
Written by Ëþêà Ëîáàðåâà
Feedback on The ascent to Kazbek (Georgia) in the fall of 2017.
The idea to climb to the top of Kazbek belonged to my brother, I just backed her. Moreover, in 2011 we went to trekking to the base camp of Annapurna, where it was quite difficult, but very interesting and beautiful. That the Nepalese trekking was an "ordinary walk", as the Pope claimed, we were able to say confidently only after descending from Kazbek.
Lycian Way on foot
Written by Ñåðãåé Ëûñåíêî
Feedback on the hike «Lycian trail "(Turkey) for the May holidays of 2015.
I have many hobbies - 4x4, water, moto ... everything is fine. But I decided to remember my youth and went on foot on Turkey. In the result - 140 km for 7 days and minus 4 kg.
A group of 18 people - Ukrainians, Russians, Belarusians and Azerbaijanis !!! At what before the hike I knew only two of them. We walked together and it was very friendly.
Probably, in the mountain hikes, the brains work differently, we did not have time for politics and other muck.
The way to your Everest
Written by ßíà Ðîáåíø
For a trip to Nepal, we were preparing for almost a year. What we thought while in Moscow, and what really happened, converges in only one - it's an unforgettable adventure in life. I can not believe it. The photos do not convey a single drop of that scorching attitude that we had to experience on the way from Lukla to Cala-Pathar. It is necessary to see it with your own eyes and walk with your feet. Without a hot shower, without a warm blanket, in the middle of the mountains, the stunning sky and the cold. My longest path, with every step, reveals not only unrealistic pictures of nature, but also its own possibilities. To go higher and higher, when the head is filled with lead, there is not enough breath and energy to overcome even a couple of steps, the backpack pulls you back ... To your top, to your Everest, who silently watched and thanked you for taking a closer look. Now I know how difficult this is. But this is the best adventure of my life!
And I want to tell everyone - pick up a backpack and go! In such places it is necessary to be at least once. Outdoorukraine in the person of Cyril is a reliable shoulder next to the whole route. We must go together, it's not terrible)). This is our first encounter with Outdoorukraine. I think that it would be nice to get together with the same company and go even higher! Cyril, thank you very much for the perfect organized trip! To everyone who is interested to learn a little more about our climbing to Cala Pathar ... read on!
Subscribe to our YouTube channel
Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî On the OutdoorUkraine channel we post videos of our trips, video reviews of tourists and reviews of tourist equipment. Subscribe to the channel and carefully watch the video BEFORE you go hiking with us :)
100 photos from the hike to the Tien Shan
Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî
Memories of an experimental campaign "Zailiysky Alatau" , Kazakhstan, July 14, 2013
I write this report 3 years after the hike, based on the notes that I made then on the itinerary. Much has already been erased from memory, but one thing I remember very well -
in the hike you can not relax until the very last second. Even if there are some 100 meters to the end of the route and you can already hear the smell of asphalt, you still need to remain vigilant ...
I really liked Tien-Shan. Rainy weather more than compensated for the joy of discovery and an incredibly warm company. Actually, look at the photos and you will understand everything yourself.
Instructor in Tien Shan
Written by Êèðèëë ßñüêî
Photo report about the hike on"Zailiysky Alatau " (Northern Tien Shan) 09/12/2016 p>
This fall, for the second time (the first was a couple of years ago) I got to the Tien-Shan as an instructor. It turned out that the already familiar route had prepared many surprises ... Strangely enough, mostly pleasant, for which special thanks to the great Amangeldy)) Some superstitious tourists believe that this mountain and its name can have the most radical influence on the weather over the Zailiysky Alatau. So, we are very lucky with the weather and this has had a significant impact on our successes. We went through much more than last time and are therefore very pleased with ourselves. Well, the autumn Tien Shan, of course, is beautiful.